YouTube Marketing

Why Do Most Marketing Videos Suck?

One of the most potent forms of punishment I ever inflicted on myself involved a time when I intentionally sought out and searched for all the marketing videos on YouTube. Believe me, it was an…

The 4 Habits of Highly Effective Video Marketers

If you change your habits, you will change your results. Take that to the bank. I'm willing to bet everything on that statement. Because when you change your habits, you change the way you think,…

This is the Secret Ingredient of Highly Effective Marketing Videos

How many times have you seen an online video that has motivated you to buy something? Chances are, you can count those experiences with two hands. While the internet doesn't have a shortage of interesting,…

What Is The Difference Between Regular Videos And Marketing Videos?

I have got a depressing statistic to share with you. The vast majority of videos on YouTube have very little views. We’re talking less than 100. Imagine taking the time and trouble to shoot a…

One Key Trick that Boosts Your Videos’ SEO

Make no mistake search engine optimization is a very important consideration when doing video marketing. Don't ever think that since you're creating videos and uploading them on YouTube and other places that SEO is not…