Info & Tips

The How In Pet Insurance

There are a lot of innovations in society. Technology has made it possible for various fields like medicine and information technology to go beyond their limits. Laws and state policies are continually reviewed and amended…

Why Your Parrot Needs An Avian Veterinarian

There is going to come a time when you will need to bring your parrot to the veterinarian. Whether it's for a good check or if you clip their feathers or there's something wrong with…

Ten Great Cat Breeds for Kids

So you have kids and you want to get a cat. Well, there are certain cats that are better for kids than others. You want to make sure you find just the right cat for…

When Your Stress Begins to Affect Your Cat

There is no denying that all of us are living in fairly stressful times. The combination of work, family responsibilities, and bombardment of bad news from the television and internet can all help to make…

Myths and Misconceptions on Pet Health Insurance

To help you choose the best pet health insurance there is, here are some myths and misconceptions that you should keep in mind. Myth # 1: “Your pet does not need health insurance.” Like, people,…