Website Design

Improving the Usability of Your Website

While the look of your site is very important, if it's hard to navigate and the main content isn't visible and easily accessible, then the simple fact is; your site isn't very useful to your…

Seven Software Tools for Building a Website

When it comes to building a website, just the idea of the task is daunting to most people, especially if they are not programmers or designers. Fortunately, there are software tools available to help you…

Web Design – Knowing Your Audience

Understanding the type of people who visit your site is a very important task because you can use that information to enhance your site to suit them. As a result, you will gain more repeat…

Seven Common Web Design Mistakes

When it comes to creativity, web designers have it in spades. But, can too much of a good thing be all bad? Below are seven design mistakes that could turn folks away from your website.…

Good Design Practice – Importance of SiteMaps

As the name implies a sitemap literally acts as a map of your website. In general, there are two types of sitemaps. The first type of sitemap is an HTML page listing the pages of…